Ministries & Organizations

Ministries and Organizations nationwide are proactive entities in the area of Prison Reform, Spiritual Development, transition and Prisoner Welcoming and Reentry:

Researching and analysis of the positive impact churches and organizations have on both the prison population and those exiting prisons have continued to rise.


Deep In The WORD Ministries


Deep In The Word Ministries
is a deeply scriptural and faith based ministry dedicated to literally carrying the very WORD of Christ
in some of the toughest prisons within the Texas Department of Corrections.

Evangelist Richard V. Sifuentes is a humble servant of Christ and has witnessed to many both inside and outside correctional settings.
Mr. Sifuentes is also a highly respected and recognized member of our R.I.F.T. Reaching Behind Bars Team.
Deep in the WORD Ministries



R.I.F.T. Reaching Behind Bars,
is proud to be registered with CitySquare.

CitySquare exists to fight the root causes of poverty by partnering with those in need. "Working together as a community, we feed the hungry, heal the sick, house the homeless and renew hope in the heart of our city."

Mailing Address:
511 N. Akard St., Ste. 302
Dallas, Texas 75201

Physical Address:
511 N. Akard St., Ste. 302   
Dallas, Texas 75201

PHONE: (214) 823-8710
FAX: (214) 824-5355

One Church One Offender


One Church One Offender
One Church one offender Program of Louisiana is designed to me the needs of individuals who have been incarcerated and are seeking means of restructuring their lives and becoming productive citizens.



R.I.F.T. Reentry Initiatives for
Today's Prison Complex:
Also the host of this website,
R.I.F.T. is  a collaborative research and development strategy specifically aimed at the empowerment of the formerly incarcerated person.



North Texas ReEntry Coalition:
Opportunities for the Local Church: to surround the previously incar-cerated and their families:
North Texas ReEntry Coalition

A New Beginning



A New Beginning is a prison ministry at Victory Family Church.
A New Beginning is out of Burleson, Texas and can be contacted via email at:

KAIROS Prison Ministry



Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI) Kairos is an International Christian Ministry. Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. is the parent organization of a body of ministries operating as Chapters that are located in many States and Countries addressing the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women and children, and to their families and to those who work in the prison environment. Kairos sprang from the Cursillo movement and is supported by Christian volunteers including those from Cursillo and those other movements that consider Cursillo as their root.

Our mission is to bring Christ''s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen. 

Prison Fellowship Network



To provide easy access for inmates and their families to get effective help from the prison ministries which best serve their needs. They can find counseling services in their area, or they can locate a ministry to request literature, Bible study courses or simply request prayer support.
Prison Ministry Directory - International Network of Prison Ministries.

Central Arkansas Prison Ministries


Central Arkansas Prison Ministries
WK Enterprises:
A small business that serves Central Arkansas with Prison Ministry, Catholic Media and Financial Services for your business.

Prison Outreach Network

The Prison Outreach Network is an inter-church ministry to prisons in the UK. The ministry was founded in 1986 for Christians who have the desire to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those in prison. It operates under the umbrella of Global Outreach Network, a registered charity.
PON is a proud member of the International Network of Prison MInistires (INPM).

Phone:  +44 (0)7956 196 019


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